Serving Churches

Serving Churches

Our early work
People ask us, how many churches have you planted? Well, Harvest International in Czech Republic and Romania planted about 60 churches. Katy and I worked with Kent Davis and Harvest USA during those years, sending trucks and tents and sound systems over to them and paying for busses and vans here in Europe.

When Katy and I moved over, we planted and gave away two churches and a Bible School in Slovakia. In Hungary we planted a church in Budapest that we gave to another pastor, and then began what we feel is our greatest success. Our chance to work in the planting and development of totally indigenous churches, first working with Nagy Jenö, and then with Pastor Attila who received the Lord under Jenö’s ministry.

A network of churches
The churches we planted with our friends here are now part of a larger network called the Free Christian Church. It is a very loyal and committed entity, although the churches themselves have a great deal of independence. Interestingly enough, the first churches we worked in when we came to Hungary were Free Christian Churches, so it’s a very comfortable place for us.

Working together
During the COVID era our churches became all virtual, because of the restrictions, but that limitation bonded our churches together in an even greater way. We became online, virtual churches for the Covid era.

After the regulations let up, we’ve continued live streaming our services. It reaches so many people who are just shut in or don’t have connections to a church. They don’t know what to do, or where to go. People see our live stream who are having all kinds of personal problems, family emergencies and marriages at the breaking point.

The Alabasztrom Project
Together with our churches, Pastor Attila created a ministry called the Alabastrom Project. Born out of the need to reach the lost in the Covid era, it has become a weekly outreach. Every week this network of churches hold a worship gathering. When they go live, those worship gatherings draw hundreds of seekers each night, into zoom rooms and phone banks. Different levels of counselors are waiting and prayer teams are praying. People are encouraged on the live stream to call in. To get counseling and help with their needs. They can talk to people, counsel with people, spend time in prayer and ultimately be referred to a church that’s close to them where they can find a church home.

God is always at work
By way of an example, we had a group of people that were meeting in a home fellowship that we decided to build a church with. They were excited to do it, so we started a church. We began by meeting in a room in a school.

We had so many young people that Katy and I decided to start a youth group. A family that had gotten saved in the church came along side us and eventually, when we went back to the US for a summer, they did the youth in our absence. When we got home that fall the youth group was goin’ and blowin’. They had proven them selves so well that in a couple of years they became pastors of the church! One of the young ladies in the church invited a friend from work, and this girlfriend started coming and eventually we got to know her and her husband. Her husband would bring her to church, but he’d sit outside and wait until church was over.

The Book of Acts is still happening
Eventually he started coming upstairs. He’d wait outside the room and he would listen. He wanted to hear, he wanted to see. It wasn’t too long before he became a part of the church. They were really hungry to do something, something of quality. He was a military man, and we often stayed over at their house so we got to know them well. Before long they enrolled in online Bible school. Eventually she earned a degree in Christian Counseling. Today they pastor the church in Bonyhad.

Personally, a lot of our response to the Ukrainian crisis has come out of the Bonyhad church. Truckloads of supplies have gone out and by next week Bonyhad will have over 20 people living there.

Getting to see this ‘Book of Acts’ process repeated in peoples lives is the most incredible thing in the world. We could never do what all these families are doing, but we can stand with them and work with them. Seeing how much they are growing and doing is amazing!!

Allen & Katy Lake

Szolnok Church

Tengelic Church

Images from various churches

Bonyhad Church